The 44th Galway Open Tournament 2019 Championship will take place at Ballinfoyle/Castlegar centre on the 16th of March 2019. You can download the entry forms here . Galway Judo Club is looking forward to running this event in honour of John Creaven (RIP).  For more information, please contact

This year’s Easter training camp will take place from the 23rd – 26th of April at Creaven House. Morning sessions will cater to U11 and afternoon sessions for  11+ years old.

Head coach for 2019 is Ellie Dennis who is the national women’s coach. There will also be a gymnastics component to the training provided by Emma, a specialist gymnastics coach.

The 44th annual Galway Open Judo Championship will take place at Ballinfoyle/Castlegar centre on the 16th of March 2019. Entry forms will be released shortly. For more information, please contact

Galway Judo Club

Galway Judo Club are hosting a regional training session for juniors of 10 years of age up to 14 years of ages. It will be held on Saturday 10th of June at 10am in Creaven House. The coach is Mina Isihara.

Galway Judo Club are hosting a junior grading on Wednesday June 7th at 6pm at Creaven house.

Cost: €15.00

Fri 10th February 2017: Venue: Sportschool – Fitnesscentrum, Richard De Bijl & Chita Gross